This school trip has been unforgettable.

It was brilliant!!!! The first week seemed to me like ages because I was homesick but after that time flied.

I´ve had a great time in Dublin and I improved my English because I learnt lots of new words and expressions. I was also lucky with my Irish family and with my class mates at St. Comlcilles School.

People helped me to join the groups at school and I was very busy there. Because of that I made lost of kind and funny friends.

Although Ireland is different than Spain, we could settled down with the great help of the host family and our teacher Erika. Ireland is colder, green and the people character and daily routines are different but… What a great experience!!!! These are the differences: Eating timetable, school time is shorter, School subjects are much more easier but it didn´t matter!!!

I also wrote lots of letter to my family and friends which can keep them in their memories.

I had lots of fun and I enjoyed the journey!!!! ‘tóg go bag í’, I also leart some gaelic words like ‘Slán!’, that means ‘bye’ and ‘dia huit!’, that means ‘hello’.

Thanks to this experience I realize that I can survive abroad.