It is an honor to present the three winners of Ayalde’s 2022 Creative Writing Competition. The winning fictional stories come from Amaya Hearn who’s in 3ESO and Loreto Marsal from 1BACH. And Maria López-Linares from 2BACH entered a beautifully crafted creative essay.
As you know, many students at Ayalde have a strong level of English. There are students, however, that also love to tell stories. This has always been the reason for Ayalde’s writing club, Just Write! and the sole purpose of this competition: to give students the opportunity to express themselves creatively in the English language.
For Ayalde’s 2022 Writing Competition, the topic was BRIGHT. ESO and BACH students were asked to write a story of no more than four pages in length. All entries were voluntary and anonymous. Participants discretely left their stories in boxes in the English Department in the hall of 3ESO and the BACH library.
The English teachers are profoundly thankful for everyone who participated, and were moved far beyond their expectations.
Everyone can agree that the winning stories are nothing short of BRILLIANT. Please take a moment to read them and afterwards congratulate these gifted writers.
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