The single market in our shopping 1

Last November 20th, 4th ESO students received Rocco Caira, Irish Consul and lawyer. He came to talk about buying in the net.

He called his talk” The single market in our shopping bag” in other words, the global market.

He started pointing out the advantages of the UN, mainly, the easiness of travelling or exporting and importing products from one country to another to obtain national products at the lowest prices. However, in his opinion there was too much liberty and this could cause problems.

He claimed that the new technology had made possible the global market to open on line and that it is worth it. Due to the incredible speed, the availability of buying whenever and wherever you want to and the competitive market, allows us locate different shops around the world that offer the same products so that we can compare prices and services before the purchase.

Undoubtedly, students learn a lot thanks to him. We learnt from his experiences deducing that although buying on line is really convenient, we should be more careful when reading terms and conditions.