In schools where students have to wear a uniform, like Ayalde, it’s not always easy for parents to buy them, as they are usually pretty expensive. Therefore, our school decided to help us with this issue by establishing a second hand uniform shop.

In this second hand one, the clothing pieces are always donated by parents of our school who no longer need them, so the prices are really low. Moreover, all the money is donated to charity. This project is just one out of all the sustainable activities that Ayalde organised, which not only helps us financially but also does a favour to our environment.

Thanks to this, it can also be mentioned in the MUN (Model United Nations) Impact initiative, which is a project based on the UN’s (United Nations’) SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). There are 17 of them, and the second hand uniform shop can be included in the first goal, which is to end poverty.

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In the other Ayalde’s uniform shop, we can buy new clothing pieces and at the same time benefit the women who are given the jobs in Respuestas Solidarias’ NGO (Nongovernmental organisation). This NGO helps was created in 1999, and its target is to lessen the poverty level of people who need it and also to spread awareness. Respuestas Solidarias does all this mainly by helping small businesses to regain wealth, giving stable jobs and advice to continue growing. They also comercialice school uniforms, whose benefits are donated to new development projects.

Apart from that, Ayalde’s uniform is not the only one being sold, as there are also Munabe’s and Haurkabi’s uniforms available.


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Unfortunately, the uniform shops stopped working last year for a while due to Covid-19 pandemic, but in need of a solution the new uniforms shop was transferred to an online website, in which parents could make their orders, and the sellers would give their children the clothes at school so they could take them home. In view of how well this system was working, the website was maintained and the online orders can still be made.

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When the shops were first established, the second hand one was only opened to the public during the month of June, and was run separately from the new uniforms shop. Then, the decision of joining both shops into one was made, and now it is available throughout the whole year.


By Inés Chapa

Reporter, press team