Room 13 International is a charitable organisation and represents a growing number of student-run arts studios in schools world wide.
The story of Room 13 began in 1994 when a group of students aged 9-11 established their own art studio in Room 13, Coal Primary School, near Fort William Scotland. They ran the studio as a business, raising funds to buy at materials and employ a professional artist in Residence to work with them.
What Happens in Room 13?
Each Room 13 wherever it may be, even for just 1 hour a week, is a space to facilitate the artistic development of children. They are encouraged by a resident artist to take the lead, to be creative and think for themselves. It is a place of creative freedom.
Room 13 In Ayalde?
The project is lead in English by Heidi Jack (artist, Art Educator and Founder of Childrens LAB). The initial stages of the project is exposing all the children of the last year of Infant School to an hourly session, with the intention of expanding and growing into a fully functioning studio with its own designated space with in the school.
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