María José Zavala entrevista a William O´Brien, profesor de inglés en Rosemont los sábados. Le ha preguntado cómo ha preparado a las alumnas para el TIE (Test of Interactive English) y qué opinión le merece el grupo.

Un año más a María José le alegra comprobar que el nivel de satisfacción de los profesores de inglés los sábados con el grupo de Ayalde es alto.


“Most the girls followed the refugee crisis in Europe and others did the Rugby World Cup”

M.J.Z.- How did you find preparing the Ayalde group for the TIE exam?
W.O.- I taught the girls for four weeks. As part of this, they were required to complete a project . The project consisted of researching and writing about a topic of their choosing. Some of the examples included The History of Chocolate, YouTube, India, Australia, Ireland, The Balearic Islands etc. The girls also had to read an English book and write about what they liked/disliked as well as about the characters. Roald Dahl was the most popular author! Finally, the girls had to follow a news-story for a week. Most the girls followed the refugee crisis in Europe and others did the Rugby World Cup.

All the information they researched for these three things they put into their scrapbook which they used to study.

M.J.Z.-What´s your impression about the students from Ayalde School?

W.O.-The standard in the class was very high and the girls all worked hard over the 4 weeks. We did a practice exam for the last week and the girls impressed me a lot.
I hope they have success in their exam and have enjoyed their time here in Ireland.

M.J.Z.- The students have learnt a lot because you made them feel confident and happy every Saturday.
Thank you so much Will!!