MUN Hagamun 8th - 13th March 2017 1

On Wednesday, March 8th, 24 students from 4th of ESO and 1st of BACH took a plane to Brussels and then a train to get to The Hague in order to attend the HagaMUN conference.

Students represented India, where they debated topics such as the plastic pollution in oceans and combating tropical deforestation, Syria, which discussed topics like the youth regarding jihadism or improving living conditions for people living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods and Switzerland, that debated the question of limiting corporate exploitation of water resources in Africa and the question of protection of minor agriculturists in South America against the market dominance of multinationals. Two students also went as part of the Press Team, where they had to interview people, write articles about the topics that were being discussed and some gossip about the conference, which was published on the magazine they delivered everyday; the “HagaMundus”.

They also went to the Peace Palace where they were given a guided tour and they had some time to visit the city and go shopping. Everyone enjoyed this trip and really recommends it to future students!