Spain Youth Model United Nations (SYMUN) has been my first MUN conference and I can ensure that it has been amazing.
The conference was set in the University Carlos lll in Madrid and I went with fourteen of my classmates and two teachers.
At the beginning, the Chairs of each committee taught their delegates the rules of procedure and then the sessions started.
We spent three days debating and dealing with big problems, with the aim of making a resolution which will lead our World to a better one.
In addition, we counted with the experience of the bachillerato girls, who gave us tips to make a better speech and to come up with good and interesting clauses for the resolution.
However, in the afternoons we all went to visit the city and have dinner as a way of enjoying more the experience.
It has also been a good opportunity to meet people around the World and tackle big international issues.
We have realized that our point of view as teenagers will contribute to the improvement of our nation, and as soon as we get more experience we will be available to find new ideas to keep international peace and security.
By Cristina Navarro Alaez