Learning from Erasmus students 1

Last Wednesday, December 9th, students of 2nd bach attended a talk by two students from “Escuela Universitaria de la Cámara de Comercio”.

One of them was French and he was from “La Rochelle University” while the other, who was German, was from “Regensburg University”. Both of them were exchange students on an Erasmus programme studying their Business and Marketing degrees in Bilbao.

They talked about the great experience it implies spending a year in a foreign country while studying at university and the many differences they found between their own University and home town and Bilbao.

They emphasize the importance of learning languages not just to be able to get a good job but also to have the opportunity to spend a year in a foreign university, meet new people, open your mind and expand your knowledge about different cultures.

Both of them claimed that they found Bilbao a wonderful, lively and welcoming city.