Ayalde MUN Impact: trying to do big things 1

MUN Impact is a global community that believes in the power of Model United Nations to inform, inspire, and motivate its participants to action in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.

About a year ago, a group of highly-motivated Ayalde students -Gabriela Ybarra, Puy Barrondo, María Pardo, Marta Olaizola and Cristina Navarro- made up the first MUN Impact Club in Europe. Over the past months, they have fostered different projects in their school for the achievement of the SDGs. For instance, they have run a successful collection of toys, school material, clothes and books, as well as given talks to other teenagers in their region. Additionally, they are currently carrying out a school-wide food collection, which contributes to the achievement of the 2nd Goal “Zero Hunger”.

On April 12, 2019, these enthusiastic students will attend a conference held at UN Headquarters in NY, where will feature UN experts and exemplary MUN clubs and delegates who are putting action into their Model UN programs. There, they will share their projects and ambitions with around 800 young people coming from all over the world. This is a unique opportunity to gain experience and meet knowledgeable people on the field.

All in all, these Ayalde students are achieving to demonstrate that “small” people can do big things!