During this school year, the 4 ESO MUN class has been learning about the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the students have worked on a variety of projects related to these Global Goals. Their latest project is about Fast Fashion and the problems related to this industry.
The students worked in four small teams alongside students of the same age from the 8th Senior High School of Maroussi in Athens, Greece. Each team had approximately eight students, four from Ayalde and four from the Greek school.
The project ran for six weeks, from mid March to 26th April. Each team had a Greek and a Spanish student leader to coordinate everything and the students had weekly team meetings over Zoom. The students had complete freedom in what they would submit as their final piece of work, but they needed to include information about what was Fast Fashion, the problems associated with it, which SDGs can be linked to this topic, what needs to be done to improve the current situation.
The outputs included a powerpoint presentation, a canva document, a video, and an online magazine. On the whole, the teams worked well with their Greek counterparts and had fun getting to know students from another school and country, even though we are unable to travel due to the current pandemic situation.
Please find below links to:
An online magazine produced by one team, who included a general overview of the different SDGs affected by the Fast Fashion industry: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/218289465/16/
A video made by another team who concentrated on SDG 10 – Reducing Inequalities: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HpObnc77S9ChCsbPeSHJXxxzFBi41exb/view?ts=608714a2